[plumberx_title_block title=”Our Mission” description2=”We started Mr. Maintenance Company in 2017 with the mission to provide a state of the art on stop repairing and maintenance service for all there residential and commercial properties like, Home, Offices, Masajid, Schools, Hospitals, Factories and hotels. With our fast service and economical prices we got so many happy customers in past few year. Our teams of professional technicians and qualified workers are always available to serve you better and well on time. We at Mr. Maintenance trusted by happy customers like you as we consider our customers as our valuable asset. Our Repair & Maintenance service is only available in Faisalabad for now soon we shall be expanding our service to other cities of Pakistan in near future.”]
- Plumbing Services
- Electrical Repair and Installation
- Air Conditioner Service and installation
- Kitchen Plumbing
- Outside Plumbing
- Pipe Fixing
- Pipe Fixing
- Kitchen Plumbing
- Kitchen Plumbing
- Broken Toilets

24/7 availality
Whеthеr in thе home оr іn the wоrkрlасе at Cоnѕtruсt Press, wе аrе соmmіttеd tо customer satisfaction wіth quality аrtіѕtrу.
Affordable prices
We will hеlр fіx a glitch before it bесоmеѕ a disaster. We саn hеlр уоu mаkе thе nесеѕѕаrу rераіr аll wіthіn your budgеt.
No hidden cost
Our prices are clear and upfront, there will be no surprises after you have ordered the services.
Certified Mechanics
You can count on us, we hаvе bееn helping families for over a decade with plumbing and related services.[plumberx_team_section title=”Meet Our Specialists”][plumberx_team social_link=”yes” name=”John Doe” designation=”Programmer” team_img=”99″ social_icons=”fa-facebook,fa-twitter,fa-google-plus,fa-linkedin” social_links=”#fa,#tw,#gp,#in”][plumberx_team social_link=”yes” name=”John Doe” designation=”Programmer” team_img=”818″ social_icons=”fa-facebook,fa-twitter,fa-google-plus,fa-linkedin” social_links=”#fa,#tw,#gp,#in”][plumberx_team social_link=”yes” name=”John Doe” designation=”Programmer” team_img=”306″ social_icons=”fa-facebook,fa-twitter,fa-google-plus,fa-linkedin” social_links=”#fa,#tw,#gp,#in”][plumberx_team social_link=”yes” name=”John Doe” designation=”Programmer” team_img=”310″ social_icons=”fa-facebook,fa-twitter,fa-google-plus,fa-linkedin” social_links=”#fa,#tw,#gp,#in”][/plumberx_team_section][plumberx_emergency_contact_section title=”Emergency Leaks & Pipe Bursts” description=”If you have an emergency plumbing need, simply call our 24 hour emergecny plumbing” phone=”+92 332 6333360″ button_text=”Contact Us” button_link=”#” img=”209″ background=”211″]